English 11
Edgar Allan Poe
John Steinbeck
Blogging a Book Report
Irving & Hawthorne
To Kill a Mockingbird
Americas Authors


Click on the flag for the line by line "translation" of the Declaration of Independence.


Welcome, English 11 students.


What is the deal with this page?
  • Look to the left to see links to relevant pages of study.


A few places you might need to visit:


What do I do about the work I missed?
  • Please see me during the first few minutes of class. I will discuss briefly with anyone who was absent any work that needs to be made up.
  • Please be sure to remain proactive about making up work - my not seeking you out is not a valid excuse for missing work.

A note on the old What did I miss? page:

  • Some have noticed that I have ceased updating these pages as I once did.

  • I have made a conscious decision not to update the What did I miss? pages, as they were an excessive burden for me and took up valuable time.