Steinbeck Lessons
Steinbeck Lessons
Important Passages
Literary Terms
Explanation of the Blogging
Steinbeck Wiki
The Essay
Essay Explanation
Intros and Conclusions

Here I will list a general rundown of our daily lessons for this unit, reminding you about what we did and where you need to be.


Day 7

Task list for the day:

  1. looking back to review the discussion format from last class
    1. explanation of change in plan – taking away the group editing . . . putting together your own podcast
  2. editing the highlights
    1. review the editing procedures – creating a new one
  3. posting them to the blogs . . . (See the Podcast Blog for an explanation of the content)
    1. teacher gives a walk-through, you take notes on it
  4. introduction of the essay
  5. Realize - there is a test coming next Wednesday on the lit terms
  6. vocabulary test (last 30 minutes)


  • Decide on the four characteristics of your chosen character from Of Mice and Men and what movie character had each of those four


Day 6

Task list for the day:

  1. Preparing for Of Mice discussion - the talking points sheet
  2. Lesson on using Audacity
  3. Discussion, recording it
  4. Begin the editing and decision making process for podcast


Day 5

Task list for the day:

  1. Vocabulary review (Power Point)
  2. Reading to the end of the book
  3. React to the ending - Blog 5
  4. Reading Quiz for the end of the book
  5. Discussion questions - discuss in groups, post answers to wiki.


  • Pick a character for your essay about the book
  • Finish up your blogs!
  • Pick three lines/passages you will use to explain your interpretation of this book


Day 4

Task list for the day:

  1. vocabulary review (exercise)
  2. Mini-lesson on foreshadowing.
  3. Reading Quiz on pages 66-83.
  4. Reading text and writing blog 4.


  • Vocabulary - use 15 in sentences
  • Read through page 98 by next class


Day 3

Task list for the day:

  1. vocabulary review (time to study, if used wisely)
  2. Handing back the Poe Painting papers, examining strengths and weaknesses
  3. Reading quiz (open book, since it’s been so long) – 6 minute time limit
  4. discussion of literary terms of the day: setting and character foil
  5. reading and blogging
    1. need to write blog 3
    2. make sure the comments appear on group members’ blogs for blog 2 and 3

Day 2

Task list for the day:

  1. vocabulary study time and/or posting of Of Mice and Men Blog 1 (1-16)
  2. Look over the Unit Organizer
  3. Set up our study for the book
    1. open a bloglines account
    2. get into groups of 3, 4 (or 5)
    3. explain how the blogging will work for the unit
  4. read pp. 17-37
  5. blog as you go, checking in with classmates’ blogs - this one's blog 2
    1. as you read, 3 questions and at least one passage and why it strikes you
    2. read other people’s and comment  their articles – especially say what you think about the line they’ve chosen, what they said about it, and what your thoughts are concerning their comments


Day 1

Task list for the day:

  1. vocabulary test (after a few minutes of study)
  2. read the first few pages of the book (begin as soon as the test is finished)
    1. goal is p. 16 (have it finished upon entering next class)
  3. Peek at the unit organizer on-line too see where we’re going
  4. Watch the film on Grapes of Wrath, find the similarities between the setting and the mood and style Steinbeck uses
  5. Blog (click here to see the assignment) – what is the setting of Of Mice and Men and how will it affect the story? Also, discuss at least one important line from the first chapter.


  • Prewrite your blog, deciding what the setting is and how it will affect the story and what the significance is of a particular line. You may post it directly to your blog, or you may write it out to be posted next time.
  • Vocabulary flash cards, unit 3
  • Finish reading up to page 16 in Of Mice and Men